That is right. The Steampunk comic by Bonsart Bokel - Journey to Elysium - is coming to Kickstarter between now and two weeks!
Geareetings fellow travelers, Sorry it has been a while. I have been very busy getting everything ready for the Kickstarter JOURNEY TO ELYSIUM . The art is done. The promotion is nearly completed. I'm arranging guest posts and material to give away to backers. And there will be many revelations of our future plans and even exclusive videos! But as with so many independent projects, we need your help to make it happen!
Today, we reached 100 followers. This is a wonderful number. But not the 150 I had hoped for. Still, I believe this Kickstarter can do better than the previous one. We are now offering a comic with Yohan's wonderful art and an extended special edition with more pages, more artwork, and a background on the World of the Association of Ishtar—no hard covers, as that was just not economical. But one day! One day.
INSTEAD, we even have some surprises on offer during the campaign, starting with a MYSTERY COVER! We have three variant covers for the special edition that will be exclusive to the Kickstarter. And these look amazing. If you can't wait to see the other rewards, here, we have an exclusive preview for the Kickstarter.
I hope you'll join us on this ongoing adventure. Even a dollar helps us greatly (a backer is a backer), and sharing is caring. Even if you can't afford to buy the books, we'll continue making videos exploring the world on Youtube (see below). Our next video will include original art, which is an old dream of mine to make content with original illustrations to bring our world and history to life! And you have made this possible.
And with that, I hope you follow us so you won't miss our Early Bird Offers (more on those next time).